Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear younger self:

Dear younger self,

I know you're having a good run at life! You're aiming high for your goals, though some times too focused.

As a mother now, I urge your to run, jump, and laugh like you don't have a care in the world! I know there are things that worry you and people that you'd like to make happy, but don't let any of that steal YOUR joy and confidence. THIS is the time to explore -- be spontaneous and adventurous for those days are numbered! Not to fret; there are joys and difficulties in each season of life, but it doesn't get any simpler. Revel in you and the life God has given to you today. Laugh, and laugh often, even at yourself -- everything's ok!

And I'll take these words to heart as I go about my day today.

Best wishes, and I'll see you in the future!


This was part of the Blog Dare Prompt What Would I Tell My Younger Self.


  1. Good response! Hmmmm. Not sure what I'd say, or at least what I'd say that the younger me would listen to....

  2. I would say, "Amen!" to all of that. "O)

    First-time visitor from Bloggy Moms.
