Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another Award!

Thank you Busy Buzzer for this award!

And here are 7 things about me:

1. I love to travel!
2. And when we travel, I make an itinerary that's often too full.
3. I get really excited about using coupons and saving money.
4. I can sew a button...and that's it.
5. I love Hello Kitty.
6. I eat more sweets than I should...
7. I'd love to be more organized than I am.

And now to pass on this award to:
  1. Home Mom
  2. Faded Highways
  3. Stinker Pinkers
  4. Emily Lane Studio
  5. Vivo Bello
  6. Untypically Jia
  7. Home Grown Families
  8. Raising Future Leaders
  9. TV's Take


  1. COngrats to you and the people you passed it on to! :)

  2. Hi there,

    I just wanted to say thank you for the sweet award. I have been out of town and I'm just getting your message.

  3. Thank you that was so sweet! I look forward to passing it along

  4. Thanks so much! I'm truly honored. Can't wait to bless others & pass it on.

    Lisa xoxo

  5. Congrads! And thanks, my first award ever! I an extremely honored and I can't wait to pass is on.

