Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

The stores want us to think Christmas! This past weekend, we had moderate temperatures, so most families had the same idea to head out to the park in their new sweaters with their DSLR cameras, ready to get some fall colors and warm smiles for Christmas card pictures! Ours are never complicated or coordinated; just point and shoot and hope for the best! My simple method hasn't failed us horribly as we've had fun photo cards in the past. While I do secretly covet the nicer cameras which capture sharper details, my handy point and shoot will have to do. So how can you take a good Christmas card photograph?

1. Hire a photographer
This obviously is a sure-fire way to get that great shot!

2. Ask a friend who is a photographer
I have a dear friend who often steps in to capture moments I try, but cannot seem to as well as she does. And she graciously takes those photos for us!

3. Do it yourself!
Yes, I know probably most of us are already doing this. But one little tip on getting everything framed correctly: a tripod. Growing it, the tripod was a never-leave-home-for-vacation-without-it item, but I've found that most families do not have that same appreciation for it. Several years ago, we found one on sale, and it's been quite handy to leave in the car. Whenever we have the need for a family picture, I can place my simple camera on it, position it the way I want it framed, get the timer on, and --- Walah -- family photo. I only wish I had a tip on getting every family member to smile nicely in coordination with that timer. . .


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